dcroach@yahoo.com DCRoach60@Gmail.com
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google: dcroach.blogspot.com
David Roach Democrat Mayor
auth&appr;PD4 Roach4Mayor Comm. DCRoach Treas.
My "take" on this? 30 % of general election voters care..
"Stupid is as Stupid does">VOTES MATTER; ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES this is what happens when democrats allow Tea party conservatives to gain majorities in state government..-
Thanks to the state and local democrat chairmen; and their central committees; and a weak 2 party system;
we get stupid republicans passing stupid loony toon laws to appease their stupid loony toons base of supporters.
Red- state Red Neck white Trash blue collar /blue blood elitists-
Indiana will be a laughing stock for years to come..
I would never pass anything or govern soo STUPIDLY..
"My Mama always said "stupid is as stupid does"- Forrest Gump
The only upside to any of this IDIOCRACY
IS maybe the weed smoking stoners; or committed Rastafaris with their sacred Ganja- may find a way to exercise their freedom of religious RIGHTS/RITES..
but dont hold your breath or inhale..
and what will that do to drug tests as well?
Karma- got to love it..
Mayoral candidate: RFRA is an ‘arrogant exercise of power’
Mayoral Candidate Rick Stevenson issues a statement on Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act on Thursday.
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) – A democratic challenger for mayor and a Wayne Township Trustee called Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act an “arrogant exercise of power” on Thursday.
Rick Stevenson, who is challenging Mayor Tom Henry in the Democratic primary, made the announcement from Citizens Square on Thursday.
Stevenson emphasized that he has long been active in his Christian faith and called the new law, an “arrogant exercise of power by the Indiana state legislature.”
Stevenson said the law does not take into account Fort Wayne’s long history of compassion.
“The RFRA prevents our city from enforcing an ordinance that has served us well for over 50 years,” Stevenson said of Fort Wayne’s anti-discrimination ordinance.
The RFRA should include language that includes sexual orientation as a protected class, Stevenson said. He stated that if the bill was not modified to include that language, Fort Wayne’s human rights ordinance should be exempt to ensure that everyone in Fort Wayne will be treated with dignity.
When asked about Mayor Henry’s statements on the law, Stevenson said “one should stand up right or wrong. It’s not an in between issue. It’s right or wrong.”
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FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) – Mayor Tom Henry has issued another statement about the current status of the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Mayor Henry said the controversy was impeding progress for the city and the region. Henry did not express support for clarification of the bill or repeal, but rather stated that he hopes the legislatures comes to a decision quickly.
I am deeply concerned about the perception of intolerance the nation now has of Hoosiers and our state due to Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Now is not the time to jeopardize the positive momentum Fort Wayne is experiencing in economic development and quality of life. Fort Wayne’s local ordinance already makes it unlawful to deny goods or services to anyone based on race, sex, color, religion, disability, ancestry, national origin, place of birth, age, or sexual orientation. I know Fort Wayne residents and businesses do not stand for discrimination and welcome all to live, work, play and visit here.
This ongoing controversy is impeding progress to move our city and region forward. I call on Gov. Pence, Sen. Long, Speaker Bosma and the members of the General Assembly to reach a swift but decisive resolution to this mess so we can continue to invest in the future of our community without distraction.
When asked why his previous statement didn’t have the strong anti-discrimination language the more recent one did, the mayor’s office replied with the following:
Mayor Henry is convinced that RFRA continues to move forward with no clear resolution and continues to damage Indiana’s reputation for Hoosier hospitality. Until this morning, we were hopeful that statehouse leadership would make a definitive public statement about their intentions and plans for this statute. Mayor Henry decided it was appropriate in light of present facts to make a stronger statement today.
On Tuesday, Governor Mike Pence said he wanted to see legislation on his desk by the end of the week that would clarify the RFRA. Pence said he wanted to make clear that the RFRA did not give businesses the right to deny services to anyone.
Mayor Henry must have a stock book pf phrases. "now is not the time to change horses in mid stream. " (wag the dog movie line.. ) BUILDING THAT MOMENTUM , MOVING FORWARD IN REVERSE. Lipstick on a warthog ; its just a hole in the Purse. more like Now is not the time to stop us from looting the taxpayers to line the pockets of the kleptocrats in power nor their sycophantic supporters.. ( insert words here) Now is not the time to jeopardize the positive momentum Fort Wayne is experiencing in economic development and quality of life.
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