april fools! "daves not here!" (cheech and chong)boycott the far right lunatic fringe
whos going to win the 2011 mayoral stakes lottery? up for grabs- sanity and reason?, fun fun fun? or a flying leap off the abyss into ultra-right wing lunatic fringe into the bat-shit crazy tea-party/evangelical/radical Republican Bizarro world? well- lets tune in and watch the festivities..ps- DAVES NOT HERE..(the stoner candidate)
drop that nickel, pull the handle' but the ticket, take the ride...fasten your seatbelts, we're in for a bumpy ride! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycKNH1w0gxs&feature=related
No" To Abortion & "No" To CasinosBy Maureen Mespell
By John W. Davis
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(John W. Davis)
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Republican Mayoral Candidates "Get Down To Business" In Initial Debate
Indiana Senate Takes On Gay Marriage Ban
Pro Life VS Pro Choice: Protesters Spar Over Agency Linked To Abortion Services
March 31, 2011
Updated Mar 31, 2011 at 11:59 PM EDT
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Indiana's NewsCenter) -- Eight Fort Wayne Mayoral Candidates debated abortion, gambling and additional gay and transgendered rights Thursday night at Concordia High School.
Between 75 to 100 people attended the Social Issues Mayoral Forum which was held Thursday Night in the Auditorium at Concordia High School.
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"I want them to be informed. I want them to be innovative. I want them to consider what the people of Fort Wayne hold as their values," said Undecided Fort Wayne Voter Gary Dienelt.
Eight candidates participated in the forum, Republicans Terrence Walker, Paula Hughes, Eric Doden, Fred Osheskie, Liz Brown and Democrats Tom Cook, Fredrick Steinke, and Charles Eberhard.
Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry, who is running for reelection, was invited, but did not attend Thursday night's mayoral forum.
Democratic Candidate David Roach told Indiana's NewsCenter via email that he boycotted the forum.
The forum was moderated by Indiana's NewsCenter Morning Show Co-Anchor / Consumer Reporter Ryan Elijah.
Most questions about the forum revolved around casinos, abortion and family issues, relating to marriage and gay and transgendered rights.
The overwhelming message from Thursday's night forum was "no".
"No" to casinos, abortion and additional gay and transgendered rights.
On the issue of casinos, most of the candidates, including Republican front runners Liz Brown, Paula Hughes and Eric Doden agreed that casinos would be bad for Fort Wayne.
One of their reasons, casinos are a moral issue that doesn't sit well with their constituents in our community.
Hughes continued that sentiment when she said, casinos are another form of taxation that would prey on Fort Wayne/Allen County residents.
Abortion was also a hot topic at the forum.
Democrats Tom Cook and Fredrick Steinke told the crowd they believed abortion was a woman's choice.
Democrat Charles Eberhard and Republicans Terrence Walker, Paula Hughes, Eric Doden, Fred Osheskie, Liz Brown all said they are anti-abortion.
Meanwhile, mayoral candidates remained civil, which was highlighted by Republican Candidate Paula Hughes saying "she couldn't believe it" but she agreed with Republican Candidate Liz Brown that a Republican Fort Wayne Mayor should lobby state lawmakers and stand up for the pro-life movement.
The event was co-sponsored by Allen County Right To Life, which focused on abortion issues, The Coalition For A Better Fort Wayne, which focused on casino issues, and Indiana Family Institute, which focused on marriage and gay and transgendered issues.
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pic 1 credit john w davis incnow.tv
look closely at this one..
dude! who farted- was it you ? awww-phew, hell no. i swear i heard the fat lady on the end rip one on the vinyl..yea- it was her. now shes sitting all prim, like it wasnt ...( omg. I hope i dont blush, and give it away.. must.. maintain.. composure. Damn that kung pow chicken)
pic2 credit john w davis incnow.tv
pic 3 credit john w davis incnow.tv
photo 4 credit john w davis incnow.tv
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That's A Lot Of Trucks!
..David Christopher Roach9:20 pm
SFW- humorous video clips to follow: (quentin tarantino)-inglourious basterds
Them: abortion, gay marriage, legalized gambling, LEGALIZED MARIJUANA, nearly everything else..
David Christopher Roach6:15 pm
This is my free-speech statement- thank you for this soapbox, to make my statement. of BOYCOTT
in the words of my favorite stoner comics- cheech and chong: "Daves not here"...Why? I boycott the local pro-lifers. In My Opinion, local Pro-Lifers=Westboro Baptists=Waco Cultists= kool-aid drinkers=domestic terrorists=tea party kooks=ultra-conservative rar right lunatic fringe. Attending an event by these kind of sponsors would be like showing up for a KKK rally, or early nazi party meeting. The last thing i need is to be seen associating, or photographed in the presence of groups like these. I sent a duplicate link/statement to the local pro-lifer director, Cathie Humbarger. see link to follow: http://roach4mayor.blogspot.com/2011/03/pro-lifers-westboro-baptist-lunatic.html
AND FOR THE RECORD- CHARLES EBERHARD FLIP-FLOPS ON HIS GAMBLING STANCE- A FEW YEARS AGO- HE WAS ALL FOR A RIVERBOAT/LAND BASED CASINO IN ftw. tHIS YEAR AT THE WACKYDODLE FORUM? NO- NO CASINO! which is it chuckles? for or against ? you cant have it both ways? I was and lways will be opposed to illegal gambling. why? if we are supposedly a nation of laws, the rule of law, live by the law, die by the law, then we must uphold the laws , enforce the laws as written, or change them. Illegal gambling in veterans halls, and police union halls is especially repugnant. as is illegal gambling /racketeering in elected officials places of business witht ehri wives, and famlies owning, and breaking the laws/racketeering.
I have been consistent in cleaning up the illegal racketes, then working to change the laws, to legalize /legitimize these activities.
NOTE- I HAVE NEVER MADE ANY STAND OR ISSUE ON PROSTITUTION, OR MARIJUANA LAWS(OR OTHER DRUG LAWS FOR THAT MATTER). Prostitution is merely consensual sex between consenting adults, and sex between men and women has been a financial/barter/exchange transaction for milleniums. and as long as pharmaceuticla drugs are being trafficked by the medical/chemical/pharmaceutical/industrial complex, legally, and alcohol is trafficked by the "whiskey peddlers" And these are all more harmful, potentially deadly substances being trafficked/pushed by happy pills being pushed on the public by doctor feelgoods for every malady real, and imagined, then i have no issue with the hypocrisy in the current system, and the principled civil disobedience/sales, and trade/and profit for other drugs outside the system- black market/free market capitalism at its most naked. Marijuana? fund the revolution. stick it to the man. get high. then drink a beer. The system is crooked, so what the heck.
Published: April 1, 2011 3:00 a.m.
Candidates meet at Concordia
Discuss gambling, abortion; criticize mayor’s policies
Benjamin Lanka | The Journal Gazette
FORT WAYNE – The majority of Fort Wayne’s mayoral candidates shared their thoughts on gambling, family and abortion during a debate Thursday evening.
About 115 voters, supporters and City Council candidates attended the forum at Concordia Lutheran High School sponsored by the Indiana Family Institute, Coalition for a Better Fort Wayne and Allen County Right to Life. The groups see themselves as openly pro-traditional family, anti-gambling and anti-abortion rights, respectively.
Eight of the 11 Republican, Democratic and independent mayoral candidates attended the event. Mayor Tom Henry did not attend, although a sign bearing his name sat in front of an empty chair and unopened water bottle.
His absence didn’t keep the other candidates from criticizing his policies or actions, however. Several candidates attacked his spending, and others mentioned his support for an ordinance that made discrimination based on sexual orientation illegal.
The harshest criticism came from Democrat Charles Eberhard, who lambasted the mayor for not even showing up to the debate and allowing voters to know how he feels on social issues.
“Maybe someone can call the Green Frog,” he quipped. The bar is owned by Cindy Henry, the mayor’s wife.
Not much separated the three leading Republican candidates.
City Councilwoman Liz Brown, former Allen County Councilwoman Paula Hughes and businessman Eric Doden shared similar social views. All three said they would oppose bringing a casino to Fort Wayne, and all three said they would lead by example in fighting to end abortions in the city.
They also all admitted there was not much they could do to end the legal process, although Doden said he would support “creative ordinances” making it more difficult to get the procedure in the city.
The only hint of difference came when the three were asked about the city’s existing discrimination law. All three said they would oppose expanding the law to prohibit discrimination based on gender identity.
A bill was proposed – and killed – last spring to add gender identity and sexual orientation into the same level of protected class as race and religion, allowing the city to investigate claims of discrimination. Sexual orientation already has some protection under the city’s human rights law, while gender identity has none. Gender-identity complaints deal with people who identify with a gender other than the one they were born as, or who don’t conform to traditional gender roles.
Doden and Hughes also said they also would work to remove sexual orientation completely out of the city’s ordinance.
During the debate, Brown did not directly answer that part of the question. After the debate she said she would not look to specifically remove that section, but would examine how the entire law affects businesses in the city.
Because there were so many candidates, the event offered some unusual moments. For example, Democrat Frederick Steinke, who is gay, was asked what he would do as mayor to support traditional family values. He simply stated his sexual orientation and let it go.
Steinke, however, was able to offer the line of the night. He was asked how he could help end abortion in Fort Wayne.
“I don’t have sex with women,” he said.
The event lasted about 90 minutes and was open to all candidates running for mayor. Republicans Terrence Walker and Fred Osheskie, as well as Democrat Tom Cook also participated in the forum.
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